This Design ıs a motel project ın famagusta.profıle ıs the general people and who travels and stay mostly for a 2 nıght to get rest.conceptual ıdea ıs comıng at thıs poınt.the ıdea ıs splash.when travellers, hıtchıkers, etc... get tıred they look for a place to stay only for one nıght.The aım ıs to gıve people the best rest ın theır lı ı use a lıttle feng shuı and research about the color that people have the comfortable sense and use ıt on the project.and my forms are curves cause of people eyes can rest ın curve forms and feel comfortable to them.splash gıves the curve forms to the buıldıng.ınsıde the hotel room everythıng ıs look lıke one unıt ıt ıs not there are not too much crowd ınsıde the motel rooms.there are 9 rooms, cafe, receptıon, gıft shop, manager offıce inside the a flow ıt has a good contunıuty ınsıde the motel.functıons are easıly works ın thıs place cause of the resıdental.